Eggplant Public API
Version 1.0
Path Table
Method | Path | Description |
POST | /auth | Obtain an access token from a client ID and secret |
GET | /test_results | List test results |
GET | /test_results/{test_result_id} | Get the result of a single test |
GET | /test_results/{test_result_id}/logs | Get the logs for a single test |
GET | /test_results/{test_result_id}/screenshots | List the available screenshots for a test |
GET | /screenshots/{screenshot_id} | Download a screenshot for a test result |
Reference Table
Name | Type | Description |
AuthRequestBody | Schema | |
AuthResponseBody | Schema | |
HTTPValidationError | Schema | |
Problem | Schema | |
RunType | Schema | The possible run types for a particular test result. |
Screenshot | Schema | Info of an available screenshot for a particular test result. |
ScreenshotsPaginatedList | Schema | A paginated list of a single test result's screenshots available. |
Severity | Schema | The severity levels of a single test result log entry. |
SortBy | Schema | The possible sorting options available for sorting a list of test results. |
SortDirection | Schema | The possible direction applied during sorting. |
Status | Schema | The possible statuses for a particular test result. |
TestResult | Schema | The test result containing all the information for a single exploratory, replay or test case execution. |
TestResultLogEntriesPaginatedList | Schema | A paginated list of a single test result's log entries. |
TestResultLogEntry | Schema | A single log entry from a particular test result. |
TestResultsPaginatedList | Schema | A paginated list of the test results. |
ValidationError | Schema |
Path Details
[POST] /auth
Obtain an access token from a client ID and secret